Customized Courses

VLSI EXPERT / Customized Courses

Customized Courses

We at VLSI EXPERT believe that where there is a will there is a way and for paving that way, we cater to on-demand customized courses for industry professionals and fresh graduates. Different individuals have different technical requirements at various stages of careers so to cater to all such people we have come up with what is known as “Customized Courses” which are delivered by Industry Experts and are available in different modes – Online, Offline, and SelfPaced (on our eLearning platform) mode. Apart from this we also indulge in developing and delivering customized courses to universities and colleges whose intent is to develop the right skill set amongst their students for the specific VLSI Industry-Related profiles for the companies who are going to visit their campus for placements.


Happy Customer


Course Delivered


Student Trained


Training Experience

Major Courses

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

How to Apply

Since these are customized courses and cater to a specific set of people, we need to understand your intention and requirements for the course. To do so kindly apply below or contact us at the number below.